21 Reasons People Prefer Online Dating (Fully Explained)

Some people prefer e-dating, dating apps, and digital courtship over natural meet-cutes at the local coffee shop.

But why?

Here are the reasons people prefer online dating:

People prefer online dating because it offers convenience, a larger pool of potential partners, and the ability to filter matches based on personal preferences. It also allows for more control over the dating process and the opportunity to build connections at a comfortable pace.

In this guide, you’ll learn all the best reasons people prefer online dating.

1. Convenience

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Cartoon of man and woman on a computer screen online dating - Reasons people prefer online dating
I made this image – Reasons people prefer online dating

Online dating offers unparalleled convenience.

Busy professionals, introverts, or those who live in isolated areas can easily connect with others from the comfort of their homes.

Simply creating a profile on a dating app allows you to browse potential matches at any time, day or night.

For instance, imagine you’re a busy professional working long hours.

By the time you finish work, you might be too tired to go out and socialize.

Online dating allows you to check out potential matches in those little pockets of free time during your day, whether you’re waiting for a meeting to start or winding down in the evening.

2. Larger Pool of Potential Partners

With online dating, the world is your oyster.

You can connect with people you wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to meet. Whether it’s someone in a different city or even a different country, online dating breaks down geographical barriers.

Consider this scenario: you reside in a close-knit community where everyone is familiar with one another.

Meeting new people can be challenging, and even harder to find someone who shares your specific interests.

With online dating, you can connect with people who share your hobbies or passions, even if they live halfway around the world.

3. Ability to Filter Matches

One of the greatest advantages of online dating is the ability to filter matches based on specific criteria.

This can be especially useful if you have non-negotiable deal-breakers, like smoking, religion, or wanting children.

For example, if you’re a devout Christian, you might want to date someone who shares your faith.

Online dating allows you to easily filter out potential matches who don’t share your religious beliefs.

This saves you time and effort.

You can focus on people who are more likely to be compatible with you.

4. More Opportunities for Communication

Online dating platforms usually come with various tools for communication, including instant messaging, video calls, and more.

This allows you to get to know your matches better before meeting in person.

Imagine you’re a shy person who finds it difficult to open up in face-to-face conversations.

Online dating can give you the chance to communicate at your own pace and comfort level.

You can start with text messages and gradually move to video calls as you feel more comfortable.

This way, you can build a connection without the pressure of in-person interaction.

5. Reduces Social Pressure

Traditional dating often comes with a lot of social pressure.

Meeting someone for the first time can be nerve-wracking, and there’s often a rush to make a good impression.

With online dating, you can take things slow and get to know someone at your own pace.

If you’re an introvert, you might find it challenging to make small talk with a stranger at a bar.

With online dating, you can exchange messages and learn more about your match’s interests before meeting in person.

This way, you can build a connection and have topics of conversation ready for your first date.

6. It’s Safer to Get to Know Someone Before Meeting

Online dating allows you to take precautions and get to know someone before meeting them in person.

You can chat, video call, and even do a background check to ensure your safety.

This is especially beneficial for women who might be concerned about their safety when meeting a stranger.

For example, if you meet someone online who seems interesting, you can spend a few weeks chatting and getting to know them.

You can even look them up on social media to verify their identity. This way, you can feel more secure when you finally decide to meet in person.

7. Can Date On Your Schedule

Not everyone has the same schedule.

You might work odd hours or have commitments that make it hard to date traditionally. With online dating, you can chat, send messages, or video call whenever you have free time.

Imagine you’re a nurse who works the night shift.

It’s hard to go out on dates when you’re working while everyone else is sleeping.

When online dating, you can connect with people who understand your schedule and are willing to accommodate it.

8. More Cost-Effective

Going out on dates can be expensive.

You might spend money on dinner, drinks, or entertainment. With online dating, you can get to know someone without the pressure of spending money.

You can have meaningful conversations and build a connection without breaking the bank.

Consider this scenario: you’re a college student with a limited budget.

Going out on multiple dates can quickly drain your funds. With online dating, you can chat with potential matches and get to know them without spending a dime.

9. No Need to Dress Up

Traditional dating often requires dressing up and looking your best.

With online dating, you can chat with potential matches from the comfort of your home, wearing whatever you want.

This takes off the pressure to look perfect and allows you to focus on building a connection.

Perhaps you’re someone who values comfort over style.

With online dating, you can chat with potential matches while wearing your favorite pajamas and lounging on your couch.

10. Easier to Handle Rejection

Rejection is a part of dating, but it can be hard to handle face-to-face.

With online dating, you can easily move on to the next match if someone isn’t interested.

You don’t have to deal with the awkwardness of a face-to-face rejection, and you can continue your search for a compatible partner.

For example, you match with someone and have a great conversation, but they suddenly stop replying.

With online dating, you can simply move on to the next match without dwelling on the rejection.

11. Can Date Multiple People at Once

Online dating allows you to chat with multiple potential matches simultaneously, giving you the opportunity to explore your options before deciding to pursue a relationship.

This allows you to find someone who is truly compatible with you.

Imagine you’re someone who values open-mindedness.

You want to explore your options before settling down.

On dating apps, you can chat with multiple people and get to know them before deciding who to pursue a relationship with.

12. More Comfortable for Introverts

If you’re an introvert, traditional dating can be overwhelming.

Online dating allows you to get to know someone at your own pace and comfort level.

You can build a connection through text messages, phone calls, or video chats without the pressure of in-person interaction.

You might be an introvert who finds it challenging to make small talk with strangers.

With online dating, you can exchange messages with potential matches and learn more about their interests and hobbies before meeting in person.

This way, you can build a connection and have topics of conversation ready for your first date.

13. Ability to Be More Selective

With online dating, you have the power to be more selective about who you choose to engage with.

You can read through profiles, view photos, and even read responses to specific questions that help you gauge compatibility.

For example, you might be someone who values a sense of humor in a partner.

By reading through profiles and messages, you can get a sense of a person’s sense of humor and decide if it aligns with yours.

This way, you can choose to engage with people who meet your criteria.

14. Builds Confidence

Online dating can be a confidence booster.

Receiving likes, matches, and messages from potential partners can make you feel desirable and attractive.

This newfound confidence can spill over into other areas of your life, improving your overall well-being.

Let’s assume that you’re someone who has recently gone through a breakup and is feeling down.

By creating a profile on a dating app and receiving positive feedback, you can regain your confidence and feel more positive about yourself and your dating prospects.

15. Can Explore Different Types of Relationships

Online dating platforms cater to various relationship types, from casual hookups to serious relationships.

Whether you’re looking for a short-term partner or a life partner, you can find like-minded individuals who are interested in the same type of relationship.

For instance, you might be someone who is interested in polyamory.

You can find platforms that cater to non-monogamous relationships and connect with people who share your views.

16. Ability to Take Breaks

Online dating allows you to take breaks whenever you need to.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need some time for yourself, you can simply log out of the dating app and take a break.

This way, you can date at your own pace without feeling pressured.

Consider this: you’ve been chatting with several potential matches, but you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a break.

With online dating, you can log out of the app and take some time for yourself before returning to the dating scene.

17. Can Set Up a Date Quickly

If you hit it off with someone online, you can quickly set up an in-person date in the real world.

This allows you to gauge the chemistry.

You can decide if you want to pursue a relationship without spending weeks or months chatting online.

For example, you’ve been chatting with someone for a few days, and you’re feeling a strong connection.

When online dating, you can move right to meeting and see if the chemistry is real.

18. Avoid Awkward Situations

Online dating allows you to avoid awkward situations that can occur in traditional dating, such as running into an ex or dealing with unwanted advances.

By dating online, you can choose who you want to interact with and avoid uncomfortable situations.

Imagine you’re at a bar and run into an ex-partner.

The situation can be awkward and uncomfortable, especially if you’re on a date.

Online dating is here to save you from this discomfort. You can choose who you want to engage with and avoid such awkward encounters.

19. Can Take Time to Craft Responses

With online dating, you can take the time to craft thoughtful responses to messages.

This allows you to put your best foot forward and make a good impression on potential matches.

Here’s an example: You receive a thoughtful message from a potential match, and you want to respond in kind.

Online dating allows you to pause and work out a meaningful response that showcases your most attractive personality and interests.

20. Can Find Like-Minded Individuals

Online dating allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and values.

Whether you’re a vegan, a gamer, or a book lover, you can find platforms that cater to your interests and connect with people who share your passions.

Let’s say that you’re an avid book lover and want to date someone who shares your love for literature.

With online dating, you can find platforms that cater to book lovers and connect with people who share your passion for reading.

21. Can Gauge Compatibility Before Meeting

Online dating gives you the change to gauge compatibility before meeting in person.

By chatting, exchanging messages, and asking questions, you can get a sense of whether you’re compatible with a potential match before going on a date.

For example, you’re chatting with a potential match and discover that you share similar views on important topics.

For you, perhaps that’s something like politics, religion, and family values.

This compatibility can be a good indicator of a successful relationship, and you can choose to meet in person with confidence.

Why Do Good Looking People Prefer Online Dating?

Good looking people may find that they receive a lot of attention based on their looks alone, which can be flattering but also frustrating.

They, like anyone else, want to be appreciated for their personalities, intelligence, and other qualities beyond their physical appearance.

Online dating offers them a platform where they can present themselves more holistically.

  1. Less Superficial Judgement – In traditional dating settings, attractive individuals might find that they are pursued based on their looks rather than their personalities. In contrast, online dating profiles typically include information about one’s hobbies, interests, career, and values. This can allow good-looking people to connect with others who appreciate them for more than just their physical appearance, fostering deeper and more meaningful connections.
  2. Avoid Unwanted Attention – Good-looking individuals often receive a lot of attention, which can sometimes be unwanted or overwhelming. Online dating allows them to have more control over who they interact with. They can choose to respond to messages from people who seem genuinely interested in getting to know them and ignore or block messages from those who seem to be interested solely in their looks.

It would be unfair for me to not to mention that good looking people have the most success on dating apps.

And success is a big driver of behavior.

Here is a good video that speaks to this question and discusses the science behind online dating:

YouTube Video by Bella Glanville on TEDxTalks – Reasons People Prefer Online Dating

Why Do Some Men Prefer Online Dating?

Online dating can offer several advantages for men who are looking for romantic partners.

From a larger pool of potential matches to a more relaxed approach to dating, here are some of the reasons why some men prefer online dating.

  1. Eliminates Fear of Rejection – Approaching someone in person can be nerve-wracking, especially if there’s a fear of rejection. Online dating allows men to express interest without the immediate pressure of a face-to-face interaction. If a potential match isn’t interested, it’s easier to handle the rejection online than in person.
  2. Increases Chances of Matching – Online dating platforms offer a vast pool of potential partners, giving men the opportunity to connect with people they might not encounter in their daily lives. This increases the likelihood of finding someone compatible in terms of interests, values, and lifestyle.
  3. Saves Time – For many men, especially those with busy careers or personal commitments, finding the time to go out and meet people can be challenging. Online dating allows them to browse profiles and communicate with potential matches at their convenience, making it a more efficient way to find a partner.

Why Do Some Women Prefer Online Dating?

Online dating can provide women with more control over their dating experience, from choosing potential partners to setting the pace of a relationship.

Here are some reasons why some women prefer online dating:

  1. Safety and Privacy – Meeting strangers for dates can be risky, and many women appreciate the ability to get to know someone online before deciding to meet in person. Online dating allows them to assess potential matches and ensure a level of comfort and safety. They can also choose who sees their profile and who they interact with, giving them more privacy and control over their dating experience.
  2. More Control Over the Pace – In traditional dating, women might feel pressured to move at a pace that they’re not comfortable with. Online dating allows them to take their time, from responding to messages to deciding when to meet in person. This control can lead to more thoughtful and comfortable dating experiences.
  3. Expanded Options – Online dating platforms provide access to a wide range of potential partners, expanding beyond the usual social circles. Women can connect with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and geographic locations, increasing the likelihood of finding someone compatible with their interests and values.

Should You Prefer E-Dating? (Online Dating Stats)

Online dating has become a mainstream method for finding love and companionship.

Here are some statistics that might help you decide if e-dating is right for you:

  1. Popularity – A Pew Research Center survey reveals that approximately 30% of American adults have experienced online dating. That number is probably even bigger by now. 50% of Americans think online dating is safe.
  2. Successful Matches – Studies have found that more than a third of marriages in the U.S. start online. These couples may be slightly more satisfied with their relationships and less likely to break up or get divorced.
  3. Diverse Relationships – Online dating often leads to more diverse relationships. It allows people to connect with others outside their social and geographic circles, leading to more interracial and interfaith partnerships.

Final Thoughts: Reasons People Prefer Online Dating

Online dating is a great way to meet others, but always remember to stay safe.

Ensure that you meet in public places for the first few dates, let someone know where you’re going, and trust your instincts.

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JSTOR (Research on Online Dating and Marriages)
PEW Center Research