What Does It Mean When A Guy Squeezes You In A Hug? (30 Types Of Hugs)

What does it mean when a guy squeezes you in a hug? A hug can be a very powerful gesture, and it can mean different things depending on the situation.

In this blog post, we will discuss 30 different types of hugs and what they mean.

Whether you are single or in a relationship, this information will help you decode the messages that your man is sending to you with his hugs.

30 Types of Hugs From Guys and What They Mean

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When you get a hug from a guy, it’s good to know the type of hug and the meaning behind it.

So, here are 30 different “guy hugs” and what they mean for him, you, and your potential relationship. Some hugs are warm and cuddly, while others feel loose and limp.

Whatever the type of hug, this is what it probably means.

1) The Greeting Hug

This is a hug that is typically given when you first see someone.

It is a quick and gentle embrace that is meant to show affection and welcome the other person. If a guy gives hugs at all, this is probably a common hug that he dishes out freely with lots of people.

It’s a good sign but doesn’t guarantee that he likes you as more than a friend.

2) The Friendly Hug

This hug is similar to the greeting hug, but it is usually given to friends or acquaintances.

It is a little longer than the greeting hug but not so long that it goes beyond social norms. So, probably a few seconds of a hug that is warm and friendly without feeling too intimate.

3) The Awkward Hug

This hug is usually given when you are not sure how else to greet someone.

It is an awkward embrace that often happens when two people are meeting for the first time or have not seen each other in a while. I wouldn’t read too much into this hug unless you’ve known the guy for a while.

In that case, he might feel awkward because he does want to date you.

4) The One-Armed Hug

This hug is typically given when you want to show tenderness but you do not want to get too close to the other person.

It can be given to friends, family, or even strangers.

When a guy hugs you with a One-Armed Hug, it can mean that he doesn’t feel completely carefree and casual around you. Perhaps, that’s because he doesn’t know you that well or only knows you in a more formal context.

5) The Side Hug

This is a platonic hug that is often given between friends.

It is a quick embrace where your arms wrap around the side of the other person. If you get this type of hug from a guy, he probably sees you as a friend and not as a potential romantic partner.

6) The Bear Hug

This hug is typically given by men and is meant to show how strong they are. It can be given as a friendly gesture or as a way to show someone that you care about them.

It’s also a dominating hug that wraps you up tightly and completely.

Most guys reserve this hug for relationships in which they know there is a deep sense of trust and comfort.

7) The Tight Hug

This hug is meant to show the other person that you care about them deeply.

A tight hug from a guy can mean different things depending on the context. It could be a sign of affection, appreciation, or gratitude.

It could also be a sign of intimacy and closeness, or that the guy is trying to show support.

8) The Loose Hug

This hug is the opposite of a tight hug.

It is usually given when you do not want to get too close to the other person. A loose hug feels limp and barely like a hug at all.

If a guy gives you a loose hug, he might not like you.

9) The Foot Hug

In a Foot Hug, one person wraps their arms around the other person’s feet.

Since this is an unusual hug, the guy definitely feels relaxed and at ease with you. He enjoys a sense of freedom in his interactions with you and doesn’t mind stepping outside the bounds of “regular” social interactions with you.

Another version of the Foot Hug is when a guy hugs you with his feet or hugs your feet with his.

10) The Back Hug

A hug from the back is a way of telling someone that you love and care for them.

It is a gesture of strong affection and shows that you want to be close to the person. When a guy gives you this hug, it means that he cares about you and wants to show his care for you and closeness with you.

Approaching someone from the back is an unconscious sign of aggression.

Therefore, making this move demonstrates feelings of safety, understanding, and trust between two people.

11) The Waist Hug

This hug is similar to the back hug, but it is usually given from the front.

Instead of wrapping his arms around your shoulders and upper back, he hugs you around your waist. It is a gentle embrace that shows care and concern.

12) The Handshake Hug

This is a hug that is often seen in business or formal settings.

It is a quick embrace where you shake the other person’s hand while hugging them with your other hand. If a guy hugs you like this, he might see you as “one of the guys.”

He might also only know you in a more formal or reserved setting.

13) The Hanging Hug

This playful hug is when one person wraps their arms around the other person’s waist and hangs off of them.

As you can probably tell, this is a hug between two people who feel very comfortable with each other. A guy will give you this hug if he feels good about being in your personal space and knows that you trust him.

I can’t imagine a guy hugging a woman like this without some level of attraction towards her.

14) The Long Hug

When a guy gives you a long hug, it usually means that he cares about you deeply.

This embrace is often given as a sign of comfort or reassurance. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense.

Why would a guy hug you for longer than necessary if he didn’t like you?

15) The Lift Hug

This is a playful hug where the guy lifts you off your feet while hugging you.

When a guy lifts you up, he wants you to know that he is strong and can take care of you. He wants you to see him as a strong protector, a traditionally attractive trait between heterosexual men and women.

16) The Swing Hug

This is an add-on or extension of the lift hug.

One person swings the other person around while hugging them. When a guy lifts and swings you around, it signifies his carefree and happy attitude around you.

In other words, he almost certainly really likes you.

17) The Waddle Hug

This is a comical hug where he hugs you and then waddles side to side like a penguin.

If a guy gives you this type of hug, it means he’s happy and content in your company. He feels comfortable enough around you to joke around and have some fun.

18) The Spin Hug

This is another playful hug. He spins you around while hugging you.

Any hug like this with extra movement shows deep feelings for you. He feels playful, giddy, and safe with physical contact with you.

If you like him, then this is all good news.

19) The Squeeze Hug

A Squeeze Hug is when he hugs you and gives you a little (or a big) squeeze during the hug.

This type of hug usually means that he’s grateful to have you in his life and wants you to know what you mean to him. That little extra squeeze says, “I want to feel closer to you.”

20) The Hold Me Close Hug

When a guy gives a Hold Me Close Hug, he is communicating to the woman that he wants to be close to her and that he cares about her.

It is an intimate and affectionate gesture.

The closer a guy holds you during a hug, the more likely he has romantic feelings for you.

21) The I Miss You Hug

An I Miss You hug is when he hugs you tight and doesn’t let go for a while.

He might also say, “I missed you” or “I’ve been thinking about you.” This type of hug usually means that he’s grateful to have you in his life and wants to express his affection for you.

22) The Resting Head on Shoulder Hug

This is a very intimate hug where he rests his head on your shoulder.

When a guy rests his head on you during a hug, it can mean a few things. He may be tired and need a place to rest, or he may be feeling affectionate and want to get close to you.

It can also be a sign of dominance if the hug is more of a power move than an act of affection.

Generally, though, body language experts say that “head touches” indicate feelings of closeness, liking, and positive regard.

23) The Cuddle Hug

This is a very intimate hug where he holds you very close. It’s usually reserved for couples or very close friends.

Cuddling is a physical act of affection in which two people stand, sit, or lay close together.

It can be a sign of intimacy and comfort and can be used to express love or affection.

24) The Leaning Hug

The leaning hug is when you hug somebody with your upper body but your lower body is some distance away.

Basically, the two of you bow into each other.

At family reunions when younger relatives hug older relatives. If a guy hugs you like this, it usually means he’s not that comfortable hugging you and probably isn’t interested in you romantically.

25) The Really Fast Hug

Sometimes a guy will hug you really quickly as if he’s trying to beat a personal record.

If a guy gives you a super quick hug, it might mean he’s not that comfortable with you yet or he’s not interested in you romantically.

In fact, the speed of his hug is good data.

Typically, the slower the hug, the more he likes you. Conversely, the faster the hug, the less he is interested in you.

26) The Heart to Heart Hug

If you’ve ever received a heart-to-heart hug, it’s a memorable experience.

Basically, he positions his body so that his heart is touching your heart during the hug. Probably an unconscious gesture, but it can mean that he feels strongly about you.

27) The Zombie Hug

A zombie hug is when he wraps his arms around you but doesn’t really hug you back.

It’s an awkward embrace that can leave you feeling uncomfortable.

If a guy gives you a zombie hug, it might mean he’s not that interested in you or he’s not sure how to act around you.

28) The Reluctant Hug

The reluctant hug is when he gives you a half-hearted attempt at a hug.

He might barely put his arms around you or he might pat your back a few times before releasing you.

If a guy gives you a reluctant hug, it might mean he’s not that interested in you or he doesn’t know how to act around you.

29) The Grab Hug

If he grabs you and hugs you, it generally means that he is going out of his way to show you physical affection.

This is a very good sign.

Almost always, this means that the guy wants to take your relationship to the next level.

30) The Laughing Hug

The laughing hug is when he’s hugging you and laughing at the same time.

It’s usually a joyful moment shared between two people who are very comfortable with each other.

If a guy gives you a laughing hug, it means he’s happy and content in your company. He feels comfortable enough around you to joke around and share a happy moment together.

You fill him with joy.

How To Know What a Guy Means When He Hugs You

You can figure out what his hug means by paying attention to his body language and the context of the hug.

If he’s hugging you in a romantic way, then it’s pretty obvious that he’s interested in you. If he’s just hugging you as a friend, then it might mean he’s grateful to have you in his life but doesn’t want anything more.

You can also look for those little extra things he might do during his hug.

He probably likes you if, during his hug, he:

  • Squeezes you tight
  • Lifts you
  • Spins you
  • Carries you away
  • Rests his head on you
  • Holds you longer
  • Laughs
  • Whisper something sweet to you
  • Hugs you first

Here is a good video about what it means when a guy hugs you first:

YouTube video by Mind Duty What Does It Mean When A Guy Squeezes You In A Hug?

Another good idea is to compare how he hugs you to how he hugs other people.

Some guys hug everyone tightly while others apply different types of hugs to different people and different situations. If you get a warmer, tighter, longer hug than most other people, the guy probably has feelings for you.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Hugs You Tight?

A tight hug from a guy can mean many things.

He could be happy to see you, he could be trying to show his affection, or he could be feeling emotional and need reassurance. The tighter the hug, the more likely it is that he is romantically interested.

A guy who hugs you tight is probably someone who feels comfortable showing his emotions and isn’t afraid to show his affection for you.

If you’re not sure what a guy’s hug means, just ask him; he’ll probably be more than happy to tell you.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Hugs You Multiple Times?

When a guy hugs you multiple times, it could mean at least six things:

  1. He really likes you. He might be trying to show you how much he cares about you, and how much he enjoys your company.
  2. He’s attracted to you and is trying to physically express his feelings.
  3. A sign of affection and friendship.
  4. He’s just trying to make you feel comfortable and safe.
  5. He’s just really happy to see you and wants to express that physically.
  6. He could be flirting with you and trying to gauge your reaction to his touch.

The more times he hugs you, the more he probably likes you and wants you to know it.

Final Thoughts: What Does It Mean When A Guy Squeezes You In A Hug?

The bottom line is that humans (and guys do usually fall into this category) hugs range dramatically from intentional and emotional to cold and hesitant.

Either way, his hug gives you important information about how he feels about you.

If you wonder what other perplexing social interactions mean, we have lots of other great articles on this site. For example, what do people mean when they say who hurt you?

Other related posts:


Springer (Research on Hugs)
ScienceDirect (Research on Hugs and Physical Touch)