21 Texts To Send After an Argument (Backed By Research)

You’ve had a fight. You want to make up and move past it but you don’t know what to say.

Here is what to say after an argument or fight:

The texts to send after an argument include the apology text, the reconciliation text, the grateful text, the compromise text, the reaching out for connection text, the communication starter text, the accountability text, the collaboration text, and the future us text.

I’ve had to send one or more of these kinds of texts too many times to count.

In this guide, you’ll learn the 21 best text messages to send after an argument with your friend, family, co-worker, or partner.

21 Best Texts To Send After an Argument

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Man looking out a window - texts to send after an argument
I made this image – texts to send after an argument

When you’ve had an argument with someone you care about, here are 21 texts to send.

You can use these text messages if you are asking any of these questions:

  • What to say after an argument with your boyfriend?
  • What to say after an argument with your girlfriend?
  • What to say to a friend after an argument?
  • What to say to your husband after an argument?
  • What to say to your wife after an argument?
  • What to say to your coworker after an argument?
  • What to say to your family member after an argument?

Now, let’s go over the text messages.

1) “I’m Sorry”

A simple apology can go a long way in diffusing the tension and showing your remorse.

After an argument, it’s important to take responsibility for your actions and express regret for any hurtful words or behaviors. Saying “I’m sorry” can help to acknowledge the impact of the argument and pave the way for reconciliation.

Instead of waiting for the other person to apologize, you go first.

I know that it’s not always a simple step to take. Our ego often stops us. But, you must always consider the bigger context of the relationship. Don’t sink the entire ship because a single oar is broken.

2) “Can We Talk?”

Asking to have a face-to-face conversation shows your willingness to work through the issue and find a solution.

Sometimes, text messages can be misinterpreted or lack the nuance of in-person communication. By suggesting a face-to-face conversation, you are demonstrating your commitment to resolving the argument and improving your relationship.

In relationship research terms, this is sometimes called a “bid for connection.”

3) “I Understand Why You’re Upset”

Acknowledging your partner’s feelings shows empathy and helps to validate their perspective.

After an argument, it’s important to understand where your partner is coming from and why they are feeling the way they do. This “I understand why you’re upset” text sends the message that you are listening and taking their feelings seriously.

Sometimes, this is all that is needed to resolve the entire episode.

Don’t underestimate the power of validating someone’s feelings. When you think about it, one of the great gifts we can give the people around us is to feel understood and accepted.

4) “I Miss You”

Reminding your partner of the love and affection you have for them can help to soften any harsh feelings.

It’s easy to get distracted by the negative aspects of the relationship. By saying “I miss you,” you are shifting the focus to the positive and reminding your partner of the love and connection that brought you together in the first place.

Plus, you show humility instead of trapping yourself (and your partner) in a defensive emotional skirmish.

5) “What Can I Do to Make Things Right?”

Asking for your partner’s input shows that you are taking responsibility for the argument and are willing to make amends.

When you express, “What can I do to make things right?” you demonstrate a willingness to listen and collaborate in finding a solution.

This can help to rebuild trust and improve communication in your relationship.

As a bonus, you might get a clear road map back to peace with your partner, family member, or friend.

6) “I Appreciate You”

A simple expression of gratitude can help to shift the focus from the argument to the positive aspects of your relationship.

After an argument, it’s harder to focus on all the good things about your significant other. By saying “I appreciate you,” you are reminding the other person (and yourself) of the reasons why you love and value them.

In the end, your care and love for each other matter more than a temporary disagreement.

7) “I Was Wrong”

Admitting fault can be a difficult but powerful step toward reconciliation.

Take responsibility for your actions and own up to any mistakes you may have made. An “I was wrong” text demonstrates maturity and a willingness to repair the relationship.

This is a powerful form of self-accountability.

So many people waste time blaming each other instead of acknowledging their part and fixing things. Don’t let blame or pride keep you from a healthy and happy relationship.

8) “Let’s Start Fresh”

Suggesting a clean slate can be a way to move forward and leave the argument behind.

When you’ve had a dispute, it can be tempting to hold onto the resentment and dwell on the negative. By saying “Let’s start fresh,” you are suggesting a new beginning and a chance to rebuild the relationship.

You’re giving the other person an “out” of the argument.

Hopefully, they’ll take that ticket, respond with a similar sentiment, and you can get on with your lives.

9) “I love you”

A declaration of love can be a powerful tool in rekindling the affection and intimacy in your relationship.

Arguments can often lead to feelings of distance and disconnection between partners, but expressing love can help to bridge that gap and bring you closer together.

A text to say “I love you” to your partner after an argument is a powerful way to remind them of your commitment to the relationship.

This simple statement can help to reinforce the bond between you and show your partner that despite the

Additionally, expressing love can help to improve communication and create a more positive and understanding atmosphere in the relationship.

By expressing your love and commitment, you are creating a safe and supportive space for your partner to share their feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment or rejection.

10) “I’m Here for You”

One of the most powerful ways to help repair a relationship after an argument is by offering support and understanding to your partner.

When you show your partner that you are there for them and that you care, it can help them feel heard and valued. This can be especially important after an argument when emotions may be running high and tensions may be strained.

Saying, “I’m here for you,” is a simple way to express your support and willingness to listen and understand.

This message lets your partner know that they can turn to you for comfort and guidance and that you are there to help them work through any difficulties they may be facing.

Whether your partner is feeling overwhelmed, confused, or simply in need of a shoulder to lean on, your support and understanding can make all the difference.

Of course, it’s important to remember that offering support and understanding is just one part of repairing a relationship after an argument.

11) “Let’s Work Through This Together”

Demonstrating a shared commitment to resolving the issue can be a crucial factor in strengthening your bond after an argument.

The act of working through a disagreement together can help to improve communication and build trust in the relationship.

By saying “Let’s work through this together,” you are sending a message to your partner that you are not only committed to the relationship, but also to finding a mutually agreeable solution to the issue at hand.

Working through an argument can be difficult, especially when emotions are high.

However, taking the time to listen to each other and find a solution can help to deepen the connection in the relationship.

For example, if you and your partner have been arguing about household chores, you could try saying, “Let’s work through this together. What can we do to divide up the chores in a way that works for both of us?”

This message shows that you are willing to listen to your partner’s perspective and work together to find a solution that benefits both of you.

12) “I’m Sorry for [Specific Action or Words]”

A more specific apology can show that you are taking the argument seriously and are truly sorry for your actions.

After an argument, it’s important to take responsibility for your exact actions and apologize for any hurtful words or behaviors. When you say, “I’m sorry for [specific action or words],” you are acknowledging the impact of the argument and expressing your remorse.

You let the other person know that you understand what you did or said.

That way, you know what to do or not do in the future so that the two of you can avoid conflict in the future.

13) “I Forgive You”

Texting, “I forgive you,” shows your partner that they are willing to put the argument behind them and work towards a brighter future together.

For example, if a couple has a disagreement over unfulfilled promises and one partner says, “I forgive you” after the argument, it shows that they are willing to let go of the resentment they may feel towards their partner.

This can help to diffuse tension and open the door for improved communication and collaboration in the future.

14) “Can We Hug It Out?”

Physical touch, like a warm embrace, can act as a balm for any tension and bring a sense of comfort to your relationship.

On the business end of an argument, it’s crucial to restore physical affection and closeness.

By asking “Can we hug it out?” you are proposing a physical act of reconciliation and love, which can have a powerful impact in healing your relationship.

For example, you and your best friend got into a disagreement about plans for the weekend.

You both said things that hurt each other’s feelings. Instead of holding onto the grudge, you can text your friend and suggest hugging it out.

The moment you hug, all the negative feelings disappear and you’re left with a strengthened bond and a deeper understanding of each other.

15) “You Mean the World to Me”

It’s common to feel disconnected from your partner after a disagreement.

However, by expressing your heartfelt admiration and saying something along the lines of “You light up my world,” you are reminding your partner of the deep love and affection you hold for them.

This can help to rekindle the flame of your relationship and bring you both back to a place of closeness and connection.

Another way to show love and affection is by saying “I can’t imagine my life without you.”

This message conveys the importance of your partner in your life and highlights the fact that you see a future together.

You could also try saying “You complete me.”

This message emphasizes the complementing nature of your relationship and the sense of fulfillment you get from being with your partner. Additionally, sending a sweet text like “I love you more and more every day” can help to reignite the romance in your relationship and remind your partner of the depth of your love.

16) “Let’s Take a Break and Come Back to This Later”

Suggesting a break from the argument can give both partners time to cool down and reflect.

After an argument, it’s important to take a step back and give each other space. The text, “Let’s take a break and come back to this later,” is a request for a temporary pause in the argument to allow for reflection and resolution.

Personally, I need this temporary reprieve to process my feelings.

17) “I Need Some Time to Think”

Asking for space can give you the time and clarity you need to find a resolution.

Take some time to gather your thoughts and do some deep self-analysis. When you say, “I need some time to think,” you are demonstrating your need for space and your commitment to finding a resolution.

Another way to say this might be, “I need some time by myself. Can we talk tonight?”

No matter how you phrase it, most people benefit from (or require) a moment to get their thoughts and feelings together.

Instead of assuming the other person knows what you need, tell them in a kind but clear message.

18) “I’m Willing to Compromise”

Offering to meet in the middle shows a willingness to find a mutually agreeable solution to the argument.

If it doesn’t work for both partners, it doesn’t really work.

By saying, “I’m willing to compromise,” you are demonstrating your willingness to work together and find a mutually agreeable solution.

Also, the other person is usually more receptive and flexible about compromising when you have already acknowledged your willingness.

19) “I’m Grateful for our Relationship”

Sending a text expressing gratitude for the relationship after a verbal disagreement is a good idea for several reasons.

First, it shows that you value the relationship and are committed to resolving any issues that may have arisen. It also demonstrates humility and a willingness to take responsibility for your actions, which can help to defuse any tensions that may still be present.

Additionally, expressing gratitude can help to shift the focus away from the disagreement.

Then toward the positive aspects of the relationship.

By expressing gratitude, you are sending a message of love and appreciation, which can go a long way in repairing any damage that may have been done during the disagreement.

20) “I Trust You”

Reaffirming your trust in your partner can help to rebuild the foundation of your relationship.

When you trust someone, you are expressing confidence in their abilities, integrity, and character. This type of trust is essential in any healthy relationship, as it allows both individuals to feel safe and secure during emotional separation.

By expressing trust, you are also sending a message of support and encouragement.

Furthermore, trust can promote open communication, as it allows both individuals to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns with one another.

21) “Let’s Make a Plan to Avoid This in the Future”

Working together to prevent future arguments can help to strengthen your relationship and improve communication.

After an argument, you can learn from the experience and make changes to prevent similar arguments in the future. By texting, “Let’s make a plan to avoid this in the future,” you are committing to proactively improving the relationship.

In this way, an argument can deepen and strengthen the relationship.

Not end it.

All of these texts should follow the principles laid out in this great video by Matthew Hussey about how to get over an argument:

YouTube Video By Matthew Hussey – Texts To Send After an Argument

What To Say After an Argument (Text Message Categories)

Before we go, I wanted to share the text message categories to send after an argument.

I mentioned them in the introduction, so I thought it was only fitting to circle back to explain them here near the end.

Here’s what to say after an argument:

  1. The Apology Text. This category of text messages includes messages that express remorse and regret for actions or words during an argument. Examples of this category include “I’m Sorry,” “I was wrong,” and “I’m sorry for [specific action or words].”
  2. The Reconciliation Text. This category of text messages includes messages that demonstrate a willingness to repair the relationship and find a resolution. Examples of this category include “Can we talk?” and “Let’s start fresh.”
  3. The Grateful Text. This category of text messages includes messages that express gratitude and appreciation for the relationship. Examples of this category include “I appreciate you” and “I’m grateful for our relationship.”
  4. The Compromise Text. This category of text messages includes messages that offer to meet in the middle and find a mutually agreeable solution to the argument. Examples of this category include “I’m willing to compromise” and “Let’s make a plan to avoid this in the future.”
  5. The Reaching Out for Connection Text. This category of text messages includes messages that rekindle affection and intimacy in the relationship. Examples of this category include “I miss you” and “Can we hug it out?”
  6. The Communication Starter Text. This category of text messages includes messages that initiate face-to-face communication and suggest working through the issue together. Examples of this category include “Can we talk?” and “Let’s work through this together.”
  7. The Accountability Text. This category of text messages includes messages that take responsibility for actions or words during an argument. Examples of this category include “I was wrong” and “I’m sorry for [specific action or words].”
  8. The Collaboration Text. This category of text messages includes messages that demonstrate a focus on resolving the issue and finding a solution together. Examples of this category include “What can I do to make things right?” and “Let’s make a plan to avoid this in the future.”
  9. The Future Us Text. This category of text messages includes messages that focus on the future of the relationship and a shared commitment to improving communication and preventing future arguments. Examples of this category include “Let’s start fresh” and “Let’s make a plan to avoid this in the future.”

Final Thoughts: Texts To Send After an Argument

From apologies to affirmations, these messages can help to diffuse tension, rekindle affection, and rebuild trust.

Just as importantly, it’s vital that you avoid messages that come across as blaming, shaming, or one-sided.

I’ve never seen an argument where one person was 100% at fault.

In fact, take fault off the table. Focus on working together to overcome the external problem together. That’s a better and more productive way to handle arguments so that you can get back to loving each other.

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Research on the Science of Forgiveness
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